About me

Several years ago, Janine experienced constant fatigue, physical pain, lack of restorative sleep, migraines, and digestive discomfort, significantly impacting her day-to-day existence. Despite numerous visits to doctors and an array of expensive medical tests, she found herself trapped in a frustrating cycle of symptoms without a precise diagnosis or any practical solutions; the standard answers and prescriptions did not work. That’s when she came across a book about the science of food.

Curious and determined to take control of her health narrative, Janine became relentless in understanding the profound connection between food and well-being. She immersed herself in studying human nutrition, and her struggles drove a pivotal career decision. Janine soon saw remarkable improvements in her health and mental well-being.

She uncovered answers that had eluded her and many Americans within the traditional healthcare system. She aims to become a nutrition professional capable of guiding individuals through their health journeys, offering the support and knowledge she wished she had during her struggles. Janine’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of education, resilience, and the profound impact one person can have on their own life and the lives of others.

About me

My name is Janine Rodrigues, and my journey into human nutrition is deeply personal, rooted in a journey of health struggles that led me to a second career path.

Several years ago, I found myself in the clutches of persistent health issues that seemed to defy explanation. Fatigue, physical pain, lack of restorative sleep, migraines, and digestive discomfort became constants, significantly impacting my day-to-day existence. Despite numerous visits to doctors and an array of medical tests, I found myself trapped in a frustrating cycle of symptoms without a precise diagnosis or practical solutions. The standard answer did not resonate with me until I discovered my nutrition path. Nutrition finally made sense.

I decided to take control of my health narrative. Driven by a curiosity to understand the profound connection between food and well-being, I immersed myself in studying human nutrition. My struggles became the driving force behind a pivotal career decision.

Janine S. Rodrigues


Studying biochemistry, metabolism, and nutritional science, I uncovered answers that had eluded me within the traditional healthcare system. Through targeted nutritional changes, I witnessed a remarkable improvement in my health, an empowering realization that fueled my passion to help others facing similar challenges.

Motivated by empathy and a genuine desire to impact the community positively, I embarked on a second career path in human nutrition by pursuing a master’s degree in human nutrition. My goal was to become a nutrition professional capable of guiding individuals through their health journeys, offering the support and knowledge I wished I had during my struggles. My journey is a testament to the transformative power of education, resilience, and the profound impact one person can have on their own life and the lives of others.

Today, after many years of schooling and a clinical internship, I am ready to utilize my unique blend of personal experience and professional expertise to empower individuals for optimal health and well-being. My journey has become a calling, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of others through the transformative power of nutrition.

Janine S. Rodrigues


SNS Singular Nutrition Services

Discovery Call

15 minutes
Put your health first and schedule a 15-minute call with us so that we can briefly discuss your issues and how we can provide assistance. Let’s talk and see if we are a good fit.

Initial Consultation

55 minutes
We use an initial consultation to dive deep into your issues. We learn when you became sick, your symptoms, your past medical history, and what your goals are.

Follow-Up Session

55/40 minutes
This is the educational part of our work. We discuss your progress with your problems and we also dive deep into how the new foods are affecting your levels of energy and other symptoms.